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servizio Design di app

About the process it is very simple first we would be working on the app flow and the wireframes so that it gives us a clear vision of how the app flow will be, like the placements of buttons and finding the loopholes that will be there in the app.

After completing the wireframes we would be moving on to the user aspect of the app like the things which is/are required by our targeted audience, to fulfill their needs and demands. After doing all our research on user experience and applying it in our app we will be working on the visual aspect of the app, on how to make the app more intuitive and exciting for the user. And the last stage will be iterating the designs fast and testing it with some real users.

Cosa otterrai

You will have the freedom to either go for sketch file or psd file as per your developers need and requirement along with complete details of the colors and fonts used during the process.

Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)
Photoshop file (PSD)
Vector file (SKETCH)

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