Immagine del servizio

Super Fast Logo - Sprint (SAME DAY DELIVERY)

esclusa la commissione della piattaforma del 5%
1 giorno
tempo di esecuzione

servizio Logo

Let's do this fast, within 24 hours you'll have a usable logo designed.

You can *check back at the 5 hour mark* from the moment we start the project in order to review the first *three crafted concepts*.

From these three you can *choose one to make final refinements* or *request addition three concepts* for the next 5 hours.

I'll *work hard* to make your pick deliverable within the remaining time, *if 24 hours have passed* and you don't feel there's that "the one"... *I'll still provide a concept* from the ones we made which is closer to your vision, *BECAUSE THIS ISN'T REFUNDABLE*.

Additional time can also be negotiated.

Let's do this. Ready, set... *GO.*

Cosa otterrai

Logo will be delivered in bitmap and vector file formats.

Ilustrator file (AI)
Vector file (EPS)
Image file (JPG)
Portable Document Format (PDF)
Image file (PNG)

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