We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography

di nicolrM
  • Il 18% (12) dei designer attivi hanno ricevuto un commento
  • 7% dei design è stato valutato o declinato
  • 1 contest (0 rimborsi)
  • Contest veloce (fast track)
    Dopo la fase di qualificazione il cliente selezionerà il design vincitore. Non ci sarà una fase finale.
  • Garantito
    Il cliente ha garantito il premio del contest.
  • Osservatori (10)
Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore HyperMode™ !

design vincente


#72 di betiatto
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di betiatto
#67 di Design Nation™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Design Nation™
#66 di dellfi ©
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di dellfi ©
#64 di dellfi ©
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di dellfi ©
#63 di dellfi ©
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di dellfi ©
#56 di FoxPixel
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di FoxPixel
#52 di FoxPixel
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di FoxPixel
#51 di LEO037
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di LEO037
#50 di zie zie
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di zie zie
#46 di artsigma
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di artsigma
#43 di BALAKOSA std
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di BALAKOSA std
#40 di arasiart
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di arasiart
#39 di BALAKOSA std
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di BALAKOSA std
#35 di mirza yaumil
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di mirza yaumil
#31 di BALAKOSA std
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di BALAKOSA std
#25 di Lazar Bogicevic
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di Lazar Bogicevic
#22 di ironmaiden™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ironmaiden™
#21 di ironmaiden™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di ironmaiden™
#20 di KUBO™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di KUBO™
#13 di KUBO™
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di KUBO™
#11 di graphcone
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di graphcone
#8 di flatof12
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Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di flatof12
#7 di LEO037
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di LEO037
#6 di flatof12
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Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di flatof12
#5 di graphcone
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di graphcone
#4 di KUBO™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design di We need an academic, mathematical, magical looking logo/brand for a new research and development team in cryptography di KUBO™