Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the

di Rancho Juantepec
  • 3% (3) dei designer attivi ha ricevuto commenti
  • 11% di design valutati o rifiutati
  • 1 contest (0 rimborsi)
  • Contest veloce (fast track)
    Dopo la fase di qualificazione il cliente selezionerà il design vincitore. Non ci sarà una fase finale.
  • Garantito
    Il cliente ha garantito il premio del contest.
  • Osservatori (50)
Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore oky_wawi !

design vincente


#130 di Vic People Studio
Cancellato da 99designs
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Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Vic People Studio
#129 di bygie
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di bygie
#128 di Almi Customs
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Almi Customs
#127 di Almi Customs
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Almi Customs
#126 di bygie
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di bygie
#124 di -Didan-
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di -Didan-
#123 di MAhi2014
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MAhi2014
#122 di designstarla
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di designstarla
#119 di MAhi2014
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MAhi2014
#117 di MAhi2014
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MAhi2014
#116 di MAhi2014
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MAhi2014
#114 di BlacKing
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di BlacKing
#111 di Petite Plume
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Petite Plume
#110 di artzuck™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di artzuck™
#109 di benefit
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di benefit
#108 di benefit
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di benefit
#105 di do'ane simbok
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di do'ane simbok
#102 di Artoware
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Artoware
#101 di do'ane simbok
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di do'ane simbok
#99 di Gurin™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Gurin™
#95 di offroom design
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di offroom design
#94 di Gurin™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Gurin™
#92 di dizajntin
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di dizajntin
#90 di Gurin™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Gurin™
#86 di Higher Graphics
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Higher Graphics
#82 di oky_wawi
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di oky_wawi
#80 di Gurin™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Gurin™
#78 di Gurin™
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di Gurin™
#77 di coi
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di coi
#76 di MashaYey
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MashaYey
#75 di MashaYey
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MashaYey
#74 di MashaYey
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di MashaYey
#63 di cadina
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di cadina
#61 di cadina
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di cadina
#60 di cadina
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di cadina
#59 di cadina
Cancellato da 99designs
Ritirato dal designer
Design Botanical garden & Venue Logo creation (we would like to use the leaf as a cut out on a steel plaque (with holes in the  di cadina