Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
Turn Around Kidz
Slogan da inserire nel logo
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Turn Around Kidz is a mobile App which is designed to empower parents with personalized, real time solutions and coaching to help navigate behavioral problems with their kids (age 5-12). The App takes the guesswork out of parenting (which could be the slogan).
The logo should be warm, inviting and represent a safe space for parents to go to get support to help their kids. The logo should represent the personality of the brand and will dictate the future design of our app, website and social pages.
The app provides simple solutions, we'd like this represented in the logo - so it should be simple in design.
Key take aways:
For parents with kids age 5-12
Create a personality for the brand
Icon for mobile app
Incorporate a parent and child image (literal or not)
Cura dell'infanzia
Colori da sperimentare
Altri requisiti di colore
Pastel Colours
Caratteristiche dello stile
Idee di design
I’m open to ideas on the type of logo that’s best for my brand. If this means incorporating a slogan or a character. I would like the design to be playful , warm and inviting for parents.
Key take aways:
For parents with kids age 5-12
Create a personality for the brand
Icon for mobile app
Incorporate a parent and child image (literal or not)
File finali del contest
1 x Logo
File finali
Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.
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