Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore Blessing.Std
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Cap Tool
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Provided an online subscription tool that allows users to manage their Cap limits:
Hospices that receive Medicare payments are likely familiar with payment caps: upper limits to the amount of funds a hospice can collect from Medicare in a single fiscal year. Hospices that exceed either the inpatient or aggregate payment cap must refund that amount to the U.S. Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS).
Target Audience: Medicare Certified Hospice agencies the United States
Purpose: Managing the Cap helps agencies determine if they are leaving money on the table(under the Cap) or will owe money back to Medicare (over the Cap).
Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.
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