I own and operate a law firm, ‘MAGGIO LAW. We only handle personal injury cases. I’m looking for something strong, memorable, and lasting. I really like a play on the letters M and L. My website is mtlawms.com; however website is being complete redone currently. This still gives you an idea of what we do. I’ve attached an image from the logo with our firm name, which I like. Just need more to go with it.
I like the general play on the letters but the 2 below are missing something. I don’t love them. I am Branding only ‘MAGGIO LAW, but firm name is ‘Maggio Law Group, LLP.
Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.
Il testo nei loghi dovrebbe essere convertito in bozze.