Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore HokiHokke
Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
Atlas Home Education
Slogan da inserire nel logo
Non specificato
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Founded by two home educators, Atlas was created to empower busy parents to create remarkable at-home learning experiences for their children.
Our target audience is busy, working parents that are curious about homeschooling their children or are early in their homeschooling journey.
Parents are busy. They are intimidated about taking on home education. They lack confidence in their ability to provide a quality education to their children. They don’t think they are smart enough or have the time. They don’t know where to start.
Atlas Home Education gives parents ideas and resources for making home education simple and doable.
Atlas is a reference to the titan Atlas in Greek mythology. He is classically depicted in images and statues holding a globe or Earth above his head. We want our logo to be similar to that classic image, however, he is instead holding one of the following:
- a large, leather-bound classic book
- a brain
- a sphere with a brain or book inside it
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