Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore Salma Frh
Informazioni di base
Nome da inserire nel logo
AntonBach AnnaWeiß
Slogan da inserire nel logo
turnable logo for 2 painters"ego"s in one person
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Hallo, we can also comminicate in german, i am german. i whish me an design, what i can read also on top, when Anton is the painter he shoult be correctly to read and when Anna is the painter then i could turn the logo and Anna ist right to read and Anton on top. I need only the first Letters, initial: AB and AW, this is enough. tournable. Anna is the part of me who is playful and cazy and colorful and Anton ist the part of my who is straigt and clear, tells storys from past times. so, im excited and curious for what happens hier. Thank you Anna and Anton ;-))
i need the logo also for making a stamp, thadsthway it needs only 1 or 2 colors. i need a logo wats possible to turn, depends on who from the 2 artists paints the picture, 2 peoples with 2 styles in painting, but always the same person, me. we can also comminicate in german, i am german. i whish me an design, what i can read also on top, when Anton is the painter he shoult be correctly to read and when Anna is the painter then i could turn the logo and Anna ist right to read and Anton on top. I need only the first Letters, initial: AB and AW, this is enough. tournable. Anna is the part of me who is playful and cazy and colorful and Anton ist the part of my who is straigt and clear, tells storys from past times. so, im excited and curious for what happens hier. Thank you Anna and Anton ;-))
Se utilizzi dei caratteri che necessitano l’acquisto di una licenza assicurati che il cliente sia d’accordo. Per ragioni di licenza è opportuno fornire al tuo cliente ulteriori informazioni su come acquisire la licenza del font prima di fornire i file attuali.
Il testo nei loghi dovrebbe essere convertito in bozze.