Questo contest è terminato. Congratulazioni al designer vincitore Anduril1
Informazioni di base
Nome dell'organizzazione
Descrizione della società e del suo target
Open Source Software Project
Dettagli di contenuto
Event Poster with 3D rendering of Mascot (based on existing digital 2D images)
consisting of
- Mascot (3D, focus of the Poster) which is a funny astronaut named "Mautinaut"
- surroundings, hinting to outer space
- Event name, clame, date, ...
Alltogether it would be great to have "rendered" looks but still some fun vibe
Please find attached:
- Regular event banner (Poster shall NOT look the same)
- Mautinaut 2D versions
- Mockup from last year (please do NOT take any of it for mandatory)
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