Idee di design
Colori da sperimentare
Altri requisiti di colore
HEX 837769
HEX b59c86
HEX ced6d9
Others beige/grey/brown shades
Nome del prodotto
Pâte à tartiner - Chocolat Lait & Noisettes Piémont
Descrizione del prodotto
We're looking for a brand new label that could best fit our chocolate spread made with hazelnut. Here are some key points:
- Handmade chocolate spread made in our tiny laboratory
- Family made (by Dominique my mom and I (Stephanie))
- Made in Crissier (VD)
- Few ingredients and a huge amount of hazelnut which is rare: 50% hazelnuts from Piemont (the best in the world!) and 50% milk chocolate. Nothing more.
- Palmoil free and no added nonsense
- Ultra delicious rich hazelnut taste
- Plasticfree packaging
- Perfect to spread on toasted bread or to eat with a spoon
Descrizione della categoria e del target group che desideri raggiungere
Mostly women, young adults (up to 35 yo)/parents and kids, liking handmade and excellent quality products, made in Switzerland. Showing sensitivity to palm oil free and local products
Visione creativa
Caratteristiche dello stile
Richieste di design
One of the HEX colors mentioned, minimalist, easy to read
Feel free to add our icons (see field "Chalet Chocolat icons" that was made for us and we are currently using in our brand identity) in the background (like the example PAT Pot leek)
Could also be a good idea to insert: a marmot illustration or a smooth mountain drawing like in the "Alaya" example (our favorite design !). Feel free to try different things !
We also joined a picture of what our chocolate spread currently look like. We sell it in a 200g glass jar with a white lid.
Thanks guys, we're looking forward to seeing your propositions !
What we'd need to see at first glance:
Pâte à tartiner - Chocolat Lait & Noisette Piémont
Sans huile de palme
Fabriqué avec amour à Crissier (VD)
Che cosa evitare
Warm colors (red, orange, yellow) as they're not part of our identity
Also, please don't change the colors of our logo towards lighter colors, it doesn't look great
Dimensioni del packaging
150x50mm for the label
Immagini di stock
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File finali del contest
1 x Etichetta di Prodotto
File finali
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