
Book Cover Design
Book Cover Design
Authority, Book Cover Design
Amendments Without Congress: A Timely Gift from the Founders
Amendments Without Congress: A Timely Gift from the Founders
Secrets of Wealth and Provision (Rizq)
Book Cover Design
Createasite.com needs a new book or magazine design
Create the next book for CLIFF THOMAS MD
New book cover wanted for MaxImpact Media
dating website needs a new design

Chi siamo

Is a young graphic designer , did
hundreds of graphic works for local businesses, book covers, covers for albums, bands logos, advertising, and much more...

Utente dal: 18 maggio 2012
Livello Medio




"He works with you, producing the best quality work. Two thumbs up."
Immagine del profiloMarissa.muller recensione lasciata quasi 9 anni fa
"Working with AndraMandra has been fantastic. He has made the entire process and easy and enjoyable one. He was able to zero in on exactly the feel we were going for with very little back and forth. Could not be happier with his work! We are excited to ..."
Immagine del profiloAcmy1975 recensione lasciata quasi 9 anni fa