
Song Cover Art
Album Artwork
Audio Book Cover
Podcast cover
Podcast cover
Album Artwork
Album Artwork
Album Art
Album Artwork for Alternative/Indie Folk band, Life Without Pockets
Mysterious and Playful book cover
Magazine Cover
Poster Design


"El. is the best! "
Immagine del profilojbarton recensione lasciata circa un mese fa
"Amazing work and quick turnaround!"
Immagine del profilosviat.sergeevich recensione lasciata 4 mesi fa
"Awesome to work with el, as always!"
Immagine del profiloStephanieP123 recensione lasciata 4 mesi fa
"El. Is incredible to work with. Talented and timely!!!"
Immagine del profilojbarton recensione lasciata 5 mesi fa
"Amazing, versatile and creative designer who goes above and beyond to deliver every single time!! "
Immagine del profiloJez Wander recensione lasciata 5 mesi fa